Chris Helyar

Chris Helyar

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I'm a partner in LCP's Investment practice, having joined LCP in 1994. I advise the trustees of a number of UK pension schemes, and also lead LCP's fixed income and macro-economic research teams. 

LCP have a practical way of looking at things and cut through the noise on essential issues.

LCP Client

We help you get the best value out of your DC scheme and ensure the best possible outcomes for members. 

We help you make important investment decisions, and make sure that your investments are performing as you need them to.

We help you get your investment strategy right to ensure good member outcomes in your DB and DC schemes.

Our intuitive, real-time pensions technology allows you to see the information you need when you need it, helping you to make decisions.

LCP Horizon is a one stop solution to meet your governance, communications and investment needs; enabling you to take effective, measurable actions to help your members.

We help monitor the performance of our clients investments so they can progress against their objectives.