Lee Dodds

Lee Dodds


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I help my clients achieve better investment results, with better managed risks, by focusing on the key, long-term investment issues that really make a difference. I then give clear, practical advice on how to tackle them. 

By working collaboratively with my clients they feel they have a better understanding of their investment objectives and how they are going to meet them. This generally involves setting not just today's investment strategy, but also understanding how this might change over time. 

I'm proactive in bringing new investment ideas to my clients so they can enhance their returns as opportunities arise. 

While I have a particular focus on setting and implementing investment strategy, I also advise on a wide range of investment issues including investment manager selection, asset transfers and performance measurement. I am also a member of LCP’s specialist buy-in team, working on deals to help clients achieve their de-risking goal. 

My clients include pension schemes of companies in the retail, finance, insurance, IT and engineering sectors and those with parent companies in Japan and the US.   

As well as my client facing responsibilities, I have a number of internal management roles, including responsibility for recruitment, reward and people development in LCP’s 150+ person investment department. 

I am also a member of our firm-wide People Co, responsible for designing and delivering key people initiatives that help to support, develop, attract and retain both current and future generations of LCP.   

Lee Dodds has demonstrated a strong technical knowledge alongside a sensitive, honest and common-sense approach throughout his time advising our trustee board.

LCP Client

Our latest thinking

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We are market leaders at each stage of de-risking, including journey planning, investment strategy, transactional services and wind up.

Fiduciary management is a hot topic, and has been a focus of the recent CMA review.  We ensure that clients fully understand the pros and cons, and help them to put in place the right arrangements for their needs

We help you make important investment decisions, and make sure that your investments are performing as you need them to.

We help you get your investment strategy right to ensure good member outcomes in your DB and DC schemes.

We can help you easily evaluate how well your strategy and managers are working, in real-time, with LCP SpotLight.

Our intuitive, real-time pensions technology allows you to see the information you need when you need it, helping you to make decisions.

We help monitor the performance of our clients investments so they can progress against their objectives.

Our investment team works with trustees of DB and DC schemes to set bespoke investment strategies and select fund managers. Using our market-leading technology, we help you navigate your journey by providing you with clear, actionable insights which enable you to make better short and long-term investment decisions.