
What are the
most important issues in each of E, S and G?

Our viewpoint

Take part in our ESG pulse survey to share your views.

ESG, or Environmental, Social and Governance, issues are increasingly important, and that includes in the world of investment. We’re witnessing increasing action by, and greater requirements placed on, investment managers, businesses, regulators, governments – as well as advisers and trustees – as efforts to make the world greener, fairer and more sustainable gather pace.

Each one of E, S and G covers a wide range of issues and it can be difficult to decide which are most pressing or which to tackle first. We’re asking ESG questions in our pulse survey, which we invite you to take part in, to discover more about which particular issues are considered most important at the moment.

Our pulse survey lists a number of key ESG themes (eg climate change) and provides examples of a number of issues (eg carbon emissions) that are relevant to each theme. It should take around 1 minute to complete.

Take part now

Responsible Investment Survey 2022

Responsible Investment Survey 2022

Raising the bar - Expectations of investment managers are higher than ever

Read our latest RI survey, which will help you to oversee how your investment managers are implementing RI on your behalf.

Explore the report