Ken Willis

Ken Willis


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Hi, I'm Ken. I've been helping my clients for nearly three decades, to understand risk, improve their investment returns and better secure members' outcomes.

I advise a range of £billion+ clients, across a range of industries, with very different objectives. I advise schemes/sponsors in the retail sector, global manufacturers and the regulated water industry. 

My approach is that getting a 90% good strategy in place, that ensures clients get invested in the best investments quickly, is much better than discussing what perfection looks like for months on end.  

My passions are challenging the status quo to help improve outcomes and using technology to improve information flow / efficiency / decision making.

Within LCP, my role allows me to deliver the areas I am passionate about, to help ensure LCP continues to innovate and to develop the tools and technology to help deliver exceptional advice.

I’m also enthusiastic about change both at a personal and organisational level, and I am an EMCC Accredited Coach/Mentor at Practitioner level (from the European Mentoring & Coaching Council).

I am also one of LCP’s spokespeople for investment - you can contact me directly on +44 (0)20 7432 6701.

Ken Willis is particularly good on strategic matters and understanding the client's needs.

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We help you get the best value out of your DC scheme and ensure the best possible outcomes for members. 

We help you make important investment decisions, and make sure that your investments are performing as you need them to.

We help you get your investment strategy right to ensure good member outcomes in your DB and DC schemes.

We can help you easily evaluate how well your strategy and managers are working, in real-time, with LCP SpotLight.

Our intuitive, real-time pensions technology allows you to see the information you need when you need it, helping you to make decisions.

We help both trustees and sponsors prepare for and deal with corporate change.

We help pension scheme trustees and sponsors to determine the ultimate destination for their scheme and help them put together a plan to get there, including how to effectively manage the risks they face along the way.

We help make governance simple and effective so that you can make decisions and act on opportunities quickly.

We help our clients identify technological and data led solutions to solve the issues they face. From risk modelling for pension clients to providing insight to the energy market, we use the latest cutting-edge technology to help clients make better and more informed business decisions.